Thursday, March 10, 2011

“Blackberry Winter”

I always like to learn something new. And even though I have now past a half century on this earth, there are still plenty of opportunities to learn something new. Just the other day I over heard two ladies talking at a local restaurant. One of the ladies made the comment “Well I guess this is just part of Blackberry Winter.”
My ears immediately perked up. Did she say something about blackberries and winter I asked myself? I am sure that my ears caught this comment because of my new found hobby of being a fruit farmer. That’s right, the Cox household has dived head first into planting a variety of fruit trees, vines and/or bushes. We started several years ago and each year add a few new plantings to our fruit crop.

Friday, March 4, 2011

“Art In Motion”

It is track and field time of the year again on the local sport scene. This past Saturday I had the opportunity to take in the Panhandle Open at Tommy Oliver Stadium in Panama City. A total of 24 teams for the Panhandle took part in the event, including three of our local varsity teams (Marianna, Cottondale and Graceville).

From the Front Porch: Coach said a boss knows all…a leader asks questions.

To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

“Florida in February”

I suspect I’m like most folks, complaining about the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter. For the past two months we have endured some pretty cold weather. Then it seemed like it rained off and on for a solid week. While we certainly needed the rain, the drizzly overcast days don’t do much for the old body’s battery.
Then we get a run of weather like we had this past weekend. There was not a cloud to be seen for two days. The Carolina Blue sky beckoned us to come out of our partial hibernation. Temperatures were warm enough to get outside to enjoy the day but cool enough not to sweat or bring out the pesky insects that call Florida home.
I made the most of the picture perfect weather. Saturday, after doing a little “honey do” paint job, I headed for Hinson’s Park.
To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

“Something Good Must Be Coming My Way”

I recently saw Bill Sprouse at a recent sporting event. Bill then let me know that he is a faithful reader of my column Simply Put. As with most folks if someone tells me that they are a faithful reader of my column I take some pride in that fact. So when Bill told me that you might say that my ego meter went up just a notch. “Yeah, I am one of your eight faithful readers” he added.
My ego meter dipped back down with this comment. All that hard work for just eight faithful readers? “You are now one behind Homer Hirt, he’s got nine” Bill said. My ego meter was back on the rise as I realized I was closing the gap on Homer.
To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

“A Evening With The Hag”

To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!
So The Hag and I got together again last Thursday for a little reunion. My wife commented that it is amazing that he is still able to sing and play as well as he does at age 73. She was right. I thought of another amazing aspect to our reunion. After all those years of partying together, for this reunion both of us were stone cold sober. And both of us thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
There was a saying back in the 70s and 80s, “The Hag ain’t gettin’ older, he’s just gettin’ better.” By his own admission the Hag is old now. But Simply Put, he is still The Hag, The Okie, The Working Man, The Poet and The Legend.

Friday, January 28, 2011

“Behind Every Signee”

This week’s front page of the sports section celebrates six Jackson County athletes that are movin’ on up to play collegiate athletics. You’ve probably heard the old saying behind every good man is a good (or even better) woman. That might not be a politically correct saying in today’s world, but the theme is right on the mark. Behind every success story there is usually a strong supporting cast. And that is certainly the case when a young athlete signs a scholarship.
Behind every signee there is a support cast of individuals that have helped that young athlete become the athlete, and more importantly, the person they are. Coaches, friends, school teachers and administrators are a big part of that cast. But often there is none more important supporting cast members than that athlete’s parents.
On signing day the athlete gets their picture and an article in the paper. That brief glimpse is what most folks see and know about the athlete and their family. But that brief glimpse is the culmination of many, many long hours of dedication by the athlete and their family. There are plenty of great athletes out there but often the difference between the kid who signs a scholarship and the one that doesn’t is that supporting cast. And most often the parents are at the top of the list of that supporting cast.
To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!