Thursday, March 10, 2011

“Blackberry Winter”

I always like to learn something new. And even though I have now past a half century on this earth, there are still plenty of opportunities to learn something new. Just the other day I over heard two ladies talking at a local restaurant. One of the ladies made the comment “Well I guess this is just part of Blackberry Winter.”
My ears immediately perked up. Did she say something about blackberries and winter I asked myself? I am sure that my ears caught this comment because of my new found hobby of being a fruit farmer. That’s right, the Cox household has dived head first into planting a variety of fruit trees, vines and/or bushes. We started several years ago and each year add a few new plantings to our fruit crop.

Friday, March 4, 2011

“Art In Motion”

It is track and field time of the year again on the local sport scene. This past Saturday I had the opportunity to take in the Panhandle Open at Tommy Oliver Stadium in Panama City. A total of 24 teams for the Panhandle took part in the event, including three of our local varsity teams (Marianna, Cottondale and Graceville).

From the Front Porch: Coach said a boss knows all…a leader asks questions.

To read the rest of the story visit our virtual paper by clicking on this link!