Thursday, July 16, 2009


As we’ve been running our Rollin’ Down The River feature again this summer I continue to get a lot of positive comments from our readers about how much this featured is enjoyed. When I got to the office the other day there was a message to call one of our readers who thoroughly enjoys this feature and wanted to talk about it with me. I’m honored that you folks enjoy reading this feature as much as I enjoy doing the feature.
As I talk with folks about Rollin’ Down The River I am often asked if there is anywhere that the feature has been consolidated or compiled into one publication. My goal is to eventually put a DVD and maybe even a book with all the information and pictures. But in the meantime there has not been a central place to access all the articles and pictures that have been compiled so far.
Well, thanks to Stephanie Parker, Editor at the Jackson County Times, that has changed. Stephanie has put all her talent and skills into building a Rollin’ Down The River site on the internet. I got my first glance at it this week and I’m so excited about what she has put together for our readers and for that matter, anyone else who has an interest in the Chipola River.
So how do you access this site on the internet? There are two simple routes. One way is to type in The second way is to go to the newspaper’s website,, and go to the sports section. There you will see a link title Rollin’ Down The River. Just click on that link and you will be in business.
The site has all the articles that have been written as well as a selection of pictures associated with the articles. So for those that have been waiting, the site is up and running. I must confess, I don’t know much about blogging. But I plan to brush up on it and I hope that you folks will tour the site. Once you’ve toured the site, blog me (which I think means give me your comments, suggestions, request, etc). There is a place on the site to do that and I would really enjoy reading your comments.
We plan to keep the site updated and I’ve even talked to Stephanie about having some sound effects (such as rippling waters or maybe a little background music, bluegrass of course, to add to your viewing and listening pleasure). So, Simply Put, fire up your computer and go Rollin’ Down The River.

From the front porch: Coach said most lessons are caught rather than taught.

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